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Backcountry Marketing

EP 159: Is Your Jacket Really Unique?

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The outdoor industry is good at its craft. Maybe a little too good. Every brand is producing products that are tougher, lighter, and more effective than ever before. Our industry has done such a great job of pushing each other to constantly improve that it’s all starting to look, feel, and perform the same.

This is a good problem to have because it brings out the best in everyone. But in a sea of sameness, how do companies stand out if their product alone isn’t discernible? Price point certainly is a factor as are availability, sizing, and colorways but at the end of the day, the only thing that separates a company from its competition is its brand.


These Fireside Chats are short discussions where we'll delve into the heart of storytelling and its pivotal role in today's marketing landscape.  In these short episodes, we'll explore the art of storytelling, and uncover the insights to help you craft narratives that captivate, resonate, and leave a lasting impact on your brand.


Curious how your brand’s storytelling efforts stack up? Take this 9-question quiz to evaluate the health of your brand storytelling.

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